Help Us Make Disciples Through Your Financial Support
Donating on-line is Simple, Safe and Secure.
By clicking the button above you will be sent to a giving page. Note the page is PCI Level 1- security certified meaning that it follows the strictest security available. It uses the same security as do all of the large banks and spending card companies such as Bank of America, MasterCard, Discover, etc.
On the page you will see several options. You can use quick give, or you can register your information so that it will be even easier to give next time. Setting up reoccurring gifts that will pull from your account automatically weekly, monthly, yearly, or somewhere in between is also a snap.
Text Giving
Simply text the amount that you would like to give to the number
(330) 470-4115.
Example: If you want to donate $10, simply text "10".
If it is your first time text giving, you will be sent a message with a link in order to quickly set up your account.
By clicking the button above you will be sent to a giving page. Note the page is PCI Level 1- security certified meaning that it follows the strictest security available. It uses the same security as do all of the large banks and spending card companies such as Bank of America, MasterCard, Discover, etc.
On the page you will see several options. You can use quick give, or you can register your information so that it will be even easier to give next time. Setting up reoccurring gifts that will pull from your account automatically weekly, monthly, yearly, or somewhere in between is also a snap.
Text Giving
Simply text the amount that you would like to give to the number
(330) 470-4115.
Example: If you want to donate $10, simply text "10".
If it is your first time text giving, you will be sent a message with a link in order to quickly set up your account.